Appliance UpgradesPutting a new appliance in the home is always an exciting occasion. Imagine replacing your old and noisy washing machine with a brand new automatic unit – it’s a simple change that can bring unexpected joy to your home. But before doing any appliance upgrades, you need to make sure that your home is ready for the change.

Things To Consider Before Doing Appliance Upgrades

Before you get all too excited to buy the latest dishwasher model or air conditioner, here are some things that you need to check first:


The new appliance may not have the same dimensions as your existing one. You need to make sure that the new unit will fit nicely into the location of your old appliance.

User interface:

Sure, it’s amazing to own a fully automatic home appliance, but that won’t matter if you’re not comfortable having to handle a lot of buttons and functions. Check first if the users (that includes you and the other people in your house) will be able to use the new features properly.

Power requirement:

Most of the latest batch of appliances require more power to run additional features, and so you need to check if your electrical system can handle the extra load. Otherwise, you might end up with either a busted home appliance or damaged home electrical system.

How To Prepare Your Electrical System for Appliance Upgrades

To prevent any electrical damage in your home circuits or the new appliance itself, follow these precautionary measures:

1. Check the age of your home

One of the easiest ways to know the status of your electrical system is to trace back the history of your home. How many years have passed since the house was built? A house that’s been in existence since the last century may have electrical wiring that’s not ready for the new technology of home appliances.

2. Observe warning signs

The following situations may be telltale signs that your home isn’t ready for new and more power-hungry appliances:

      •       Repeated blowing of fuse or tripping of circuit breaker
      •       Electrical sparks when in contact with existing appliances
      •       Lights that flicker or dim
      •       Electrical outlets that spark, become warm, or are already discolored

3. Consult an electrician

The best and safest way to ensure that your electrical system is fit for an appliance upgrade is to have it checked by someone who has expertise in this matter. Tap the services of Wire Craft’s team of electricians and we’ll lift the work off your hands.

There’s no better solution against home accidents than preparation and planning. Make sure that your home – and especially your electrical system – is ready as you are to welcome new and more robust appliances.