Toys are More Dangerous Than Cars and Electrical AppliancesKids are exposed to a lot of risks and dangers on a daily basis, and it’s up to the parents and the general public to ensure their safety. Unfortunately, one of the most common causes of accidents and health concerns comes from something that looks innocent at first – I’m talking about your children’s toys.

Toys come in various shapes, sizes, and orientations. While some are soft and delicate enough to be handled by young children, others aren’t so safe. This is the reason why the Consumer Product Safety Commission maintains toy safety standards that manufacturers and businesses need to comply with.

Dangers Caused By Toys

The reality is that some toys are more dangerous than vehicles and electrical home appliances! Here are some of the most common dangers that kids get exposed to when handling toys:


Toddlers are naturally curious, and most of them inadvertently chew and lick their toys. This may eventually become a choking hazard, especially those that are small enough to fit into their tiny mouths.

Electrocution or electrical shock

Some powered toys can cause electrocution. In addition, faulty circuits in the toys may lead to fires, while leaking batteries may cause poisoning.


Your child’s toys may have strings and cords that can tangle their necks and strangle them accidentally. Meanwhile, some kids may be curious enough to stick their heads into plastic packaging materials and cause suffocation or asphyxiation.


Some toys may contain powders and vapors that may trigger allergies, and this may lead to breathing problems in kids.


Toys that have sharp edges, pointy corners, and slippery surfaces may increase the risk of cuts and slips at home. This is especially true for children who are handling toys way advance than what they can handle at their age.

Final Word

In order to protect your children from toy dangers, the best precautionary tips that you can implement in your home include reading toy labels for safety ratings and age appropriateness; buying toys that are non-toxic and hypoallergenic; choosing toys that are not choking or suffocation hazards; and disposing toys that are already defective.

When living with kids, safety should always be at the top of the priority list. By giving them toys that are safe and age-appropriate, you can provide the best kind of fun that children are looking for. Our team of electricians are Wire Craft can help make sure your home is safe for appliances and devices. Reach out to us today.